Friday, 12 October 2007

To thine own self be true

"This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." William Shakespeare

The last couple of weeks have been quite difficult for me. There are a number of situations in which I am struggling. As I have lain awake and wrestled with them two refrains have been whirling around my brain. The first "what would Jesus do?" and the second "to thine own self be true". The latter I was convinced was Thomas Merton (until I found it to be from Hamlet) - but it is not far from his teachings.

I've still not quite resolved this. I'm created to be me - and who I am is very different to who Christ was. I believe that my life's agenda is governed by God - and that Christ's example should guide me in all I do. Ultimately, however, I find that "what would Jesus do" offers little guidance and less comfort. Why? Because I can't help thinking that Jesus would not be in my current situation. That does not necessarily mean my situation is wrong - it is just different. I suppose I have to make the best decisions I can in the light of his example and accept his word provides no step by step solution.

I am reminded of a vicar I once knew who talked of looking at his decisions and despairing at the many mixed motives behind them. Eventually he could do no more than say to God, "please accept what I have done in the light of my best intentions and forgive me for my worst".

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